Be more careful when handling dynamically generated SQL queries
Last Friday I encountered an issue in a system which we provide support. It was caused by a dynamic SQL query.
A dynamic sql query is a query which is generated in the run time, stored usually in a variable, and executed usually using
sp_executesql to return the results.
I found comments placed by the developer who has developed it inside the sql query string it self, which was executed after building it dynamically.
But that query string is appended more dynamic parameters before execution (ORDER BY Field and ASC/DESC). After executing the query the sproc returned data but the sorting field and the ascending descending parameters did not seem to be working.
The reason was a comment started right after the last statement has made all other appended code as part of the comment.
I give below an example query (@sortedByField and @sortType are passed in to the sproc as parameters)
DECLARE @SqlStatement nvarchar(1000)
SET @SqlStatement = 'SELECT * FROM SomeTable
WHERE SomeField = 6 --POD => Proff Of Delivery'
(Please notice the comments given by the developer inside the string are in bold)
SET @SqlStatement = @SqlStatement + ' ORDER BY [' + @sortedBy + '] ' + @sortType
(Appending code after the comment line, results appended code to be treated as comments)
'SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE SomeField = 6 --POD => Proff Of Delivery ORDER BY Field1 DESC'
('SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE SomeField = 6' is the only effective part of the dynamically generated query)
So we better be more careful when we are working with dynamically generated sql in the future. And if possible reduce the use of the as much as possible.
A dynamic sql query is a query which is generated in the run time, stored usually in a variable, and executed usually using
sp_executesql to return the results.
I found comments placed by the developer who has developed it inside the sql query string it self, which was executed after building it dynamically.
But that query string is appended more dynamic parameters before execution (ORDER BY Field and ASC/DESC). After executing the query the sproc returned data but the sorting field and the ascending descending parameters did not seem to be working.
The reason was a comment started right after the last statement has made all other appended code as part of the comment.
I give below an example query (@sortedByField and @sortType are passed in to the sproc as parameters)
DECLARE @SqlStatement nvarchar(1000)
SET @SqlStatement = 'SELECT * FROM SomeTable
WHERE SomeField = 6 --POD => Proff Of Delivery'
(Please notice the comments given by the developer inside the string are in bold)
SET @SqlStatement = @SqlStatement + ' ORDER BY [' + @sortedBy + '] ' + @sortType
(Appending code after the comment line, results appended code to be treated as comments)
'SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE SomeField = 6 --POD => Proff Of Delivery ORDER BY Field1 DESC'
('SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE SomeField = 6' is the only effective part of the dynamically generated query)
So we better be more careful when we are working with dynamically generated sql in the future. And if possible reduce the use of the as much as possible.