I extracted the following from the site of PageMethods which is a solution to define a structured method to define URLs and Calling them.
IntroductionLinking to a web page is very easy, both in simple HTML and in ASP.NET. Linking to a page that really exists, passing the right parameters, and parsing these parameters, is a bit different.
Features and Benefits
"PageMethods provides a solution for the limitations of the standard way of handling pages, URLs and parameters.The usual way to proceed is not structured. With PageMethods, the code of your pages is simpler, cleaner and more reliable.
The approach is based on strict page inputs and declarative parameter binding. With PageMethods, each page exposes a set of methods that represent the different ways to call the page.All you have to do to start benefiting from sharp URLs is to add methods to your pages, and mark these methods with attributes provided by PageMethods."
check it out here!!!